Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Quitting the Play?

Due to an unforeseen scheduling conflict, I may have to drop out of "Come Blow Your Horn". The premiere for the TV Pilot, "The Bullpen" is still tentatively scheduled for the weekend of October 24, which coincides with performances of the play. I thought that Ellen, the director of "Come Blow Your Horn" would be able to get an understudy for at least one performance. But apparently the ads with the show dates already went out, even though I told her about this ahead of time, and they just don't have enough people available to do work as understudies. She's given me until after this weekend to make a decision to either stay in or bow out. If I bow out, they'll find a replacement for me. I e-mailed Barry, the director of "The Bullpen" about this, but he's still heavily into post-production work, so I hope to hear from him soon. In the meantime, I spoke with Jennifer, an associate director. She told me she's not too involved in the post-production work, but she's heard that the final cut may not be ready until a later time. She also said that the premiere date is set based on the date Barry has scheduled with the venue, and once that date is set, it won't be changed. So I guess I just have to see if Barry is able to get in touch with me before the week is out. These are the types of decisions that are really hard to make, but it's not the end of the world. Apparently, these are the types of conflicts that actors and everyone else in show business face all the time. The best case scenario would be for me to be able to do both the premiere & the play, mostly due to a re-scheduling of the premiere at an earlier or later time. I'm sorry if I'm disappointing anyone who wanted to see me in another play, but I still have the TV pilot under my belt, so you'll always have that. I'll keep you up to date on any news about this.

1 comment:

Yoyo Ma said...

My take is to stay in the play since you've dedicated a lot of time and talent already. Most likely that Bullpen premiere date is not firm. It's up to you though.